Articles from Craig Israelsen, PhD and Andy Martin about the advantages of wide diversification, fixed-income, and indexing.

Federal Reserve monetary policy does not work, has not worked, and cannot work.
The Fed Funds / inflation connection.
Asset Allocation: A 50-Year Review
Widely diversified may be the sweet spot for long investment periods.
Diversification Works for Bonds
If advisors widen their asset class choices when building fixed income portfolios, investor outcomes will improve.
The industry is wrong, rising interest rates are not bad for investors
If widely diversified equal-weighted indexing works for stocks, it can work for bonds as well.
Long term comparisons of 1 asset, 2 asset, 7 assets and 12 asset models
Taking income from a well-diversified portfolio may make your savings last longer.
Must Bond Investors Fear Rising Interest Rates?
Diversified bond fund investors may profit long term, even in the face of rising interest rates.
The Rise of Passive and Indexed Investing, and its Effect on Market and Liquidity Risk
No one should manage 100% of their assets passively or actively.
Bursting the Bond Bubble Babble
In rising-rate environments, total returns are generally positive, not negative. Investors should shorten duration and diversify into multi-asset fixed-income portfolios.